Question to Followers


Thanks a lot for all my followers.

You have waited for some time to get my post.

Thank you for your love and support.

I am having a cracking question in my mind.

Kindly do answer my question in the comments please…☺☺☺☺

What made you to follow my blog??😜

I admire your first step

Hi friends and fellow bloggers!
The task of today is to write about the blogs that visited and commented by me. Actually  I read the topic “who and why I am here?” Of new bloggers and bloggers taking this blogging fundamentals course.  I don’t think there are these different kind of approaches to introduce oneself. I loved every one’s post and their way of exposure to blogging. I would like to refer some of them here.
👒 scientificallyunscientific👒
Have a happy day🎶☕💐

About me

Hai Friends!

I love to read stories and now I have started to write my own. The dreams and imaginations within my mind and some facts around me are the subjects of my writing. I also interested in doing handcrafts such as embroidery, woolen hand works etc. It is my one of the hobbies including painting little pictures using water paint or pencil, making paper crafts such as Quilling. I would love to post regarding these stuffs.

Thank you for visiting.IMG_20160610_100450
Do you want to read my first post?

Happy blogging!

“Who I am and why I am here”

I am a post graduate in computer science and passionate about teaching. I love stories very much. During my college days we used to study a lot of stories almost 3 or more books within a week. Besides reading I would love to listen music and doing handcrafts such as embroidery, woolen crafts etc.

I have started blogging to express what I feel , realize , explore about the world around me and for writing stories which evolves in  my dreams. I would like to share interesting facts , motivational quotes and articles.

My native tongue is Tamil and I have written stories in English.  My works are waiting for you , A meet with a stranger , etc.


About me

Hai Friends!

I love to read stories and now I have started to write my own. The dreams and imaginations within my mind and some facts around me are the subjects of my writing. I also interested in doing handcrafts such as embroidery, woolen hand works etc. It is my one of the hobbies including painting little pictures using water paint or pencil, making paper crafts such as Quilling. I would love to post regarding these stuffs.

Thank you for visiting.IMG_20160610_100450
Do you want to read my first post?

Happy blogging!